Friday, April 04, 2014

I've taken my last bite of turd sandwich

Ann Coulter has gone off the deep end if she thinks anybody besides establishment republicans will vote for Mitt Romney. I certainly won't and I don't see Tea Party conservatives getting behind him either. He's another big-government, compassionate conservative.....which means it'll be business as usual, the government will keep growing, debt will keep growing, regulations will continue to be imposed, and the middle class will continue to pay for it all.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes she makes perfect sense, but then at other times she adopts the William F. Buckley rule for GOP for the most "electable" republican rather than the one who holds positions most similar to yours. I think that's what she' s advocating by supporting a draft-Romney movement. I lived by that rule for years, but never again....I don't care who gets elected. Dole, McCain, Romney, Jeb Bush, even George Bush.....guys like that will not get my vote. 

I've taken my last bite of turd sandwich. 


  1. Coulter is crazy over Romney. Her RINO roots are showing. Coulter abandoned conservative principles many years ago and has herself become a full-blown establishment RINO. Yet, she feels compelled to dictate to us whom we should nominate. See the book, Never Trust Ann Coulter - at ANY Age, at

  2. Every time I see Ann Coulter I have this uneasy feeling that she, somewhere down the line, had a sex reassignment.

  3. You wouldn't be the first to call her Mann Coulter.

  4. "She" does have a large Adam's Apple?
