Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Obama ends Navy's two best missile programs

Obama announced that he would be very quickly cutting the Tomahawk and Hellfire cruise missiles from the US Navy arsenal.

These two weapons systems are the best offensive weapons the Navy has. We can deliver very accurately, death from a distance without risking the lives of F-18 Hornet pilots and at a fraction of the cost.

Now, I'm not a fan of blowing things up in third-world countries when it's unnecessary, but sometimes the people who we've bribed with foreign aid don't do as we've asked them and they need to be reminded from whom they happily took bribe money and a surprise Tomahawk in your back yard focuses the mind.

I'm actually in agreement with Obama that we need a slightly smaller, leaner military,(for instance why do we need 900 overseas American military bases in 130 nations?) however, there are certain programs that we should keep and these two missile programs are two of the most important in my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. "...sometimes the people who we've bribed with foreign aid don't do as we've asked them and they need to be reminded from whom they happily took bribe money and a surprise Tomahawk in your back yard focuses the mind.

    That is a clever turn of words, Ed. Well done, sir.
