Monday, March 10, 2014

Nerd Test

Win a virtual cookie if you are the first to name what's going in this picture.

For bonus points, recite the rules of the activity.

In the interest of full disclosure, I actually have a t-shirt with this on it.


  1. Rock, paper scissors?

    Rock crushes scissors
    Paper covers rock
    Scissors cut paper

  2. Almost David, it is Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.

    The rules:

    1. Scissors cuts Paper

    2. Paper covers Rock

    3. Rock crushes Lizard

    4. Lizard poisons Spock

    5. Spock smashes Scissors

    6. Scissors decapitates Lizard

    7. Lizard eats Paper

    8. Paper disproves Spock

    9. Spock vaporizes Rock

    10. Rock crushes Scissors

  3. NERD ALERT!!! from your wife
