Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Democrats can't name a single accomplishment of Hillary's

Last week at the DNC winter meetings, committee members and attendees were asked if they were ready for Hillary 2016. All said yes, but when asked to name some accomplishments of hers as a basis for their excitement, all any of them could conjure up was her pro-abortion stance and that she married Bill.

Democrats blithely voted for Barack Obama, twice, and he was far less accomplished than Hillary. For democrats it's all about personality and breaking imaginary glass ceilings, be they race or gender. Actual job qualifications matter not to the garden-variety dem. voter.

Here's Hillary cozying up to her one accomplishment......


  1. I have contempt for nearly everyone in politics, left, right and in-between but offhand I can't think of anyone for whom I have less respect than Hillary. If Americans elect her president, our nation is doomed and deservedly so. A nation of people that obtuse deserves to find itself in the ashbin of history.

  2. Right you are my friend. We're at the point in the US where a slight majority of voters are moved by a cult of personality like Obama and next up, Hillary.

    I gave up on America being the shining light on a hill and all that crap when we voted for Obama the first time and I just did a face palm the second. A successful election of Hillary would certainly be the final nail in the American coffin.

    If I could afford it, I'd have moved away already. This nation is done for.
