Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Beiber is an arrogant prick

Man I thought I hated this arrogant little prick before now, but watch Justin Beiber being deposed regarding an altercation between his lemo driver and a photographer.

It would have been worth a disbarment for that lawyer to have reached across the table and slapped the shit out of this smug, two-bit punk. I would have thoroughly enjoyed that. 


  1. It will be fun to see the studios kick Bieber to the curb when they consider him too old (twenty-something?) to sell CDs to pre-pubescent and adolescent girls. His money will be gone, his friends will be gone. Then maybe some guy (or girl) in a bar will give him the thrashing that he most certainly has coming.

  2. I agree, his days may already be numbered. The record companies have already created in their pop-culture labs, the next boy wonder who makes little girls' thighs sweat. He just hasn't been introduced yet as they haven't wrung every penny out of Beiber just yet.
