Sunday, March 16, 2014

America's most loathsome man is rearing room temperature

Fred Phelps, the delusional, loathsome former head of the Westboro Baptist Church is apparently on his death bed. Not sure what's killing him but depression from having been excommunicated six months ago from his own church certainly must make his suffering worse......good. 

At any rate, I'm sure when he closes his eyes and wishes for the sweet release of death, hopefully he sees this image, the devil coming to drag him off to hell at long last.


  1. Fred Phelps, never heard of him. Does he belong to your church?

  2. I'm not kidding. Never heard if this man. I don' t think I missed anything.

  3. You know, the preacher who's church protests at the funerals of soldiers with "God Hates Fags" signs.

  4. Wouldn't it be appropos if Old Fred was dying of aids?

    (BTW, while it is true that some/many preachers posit a hell similar to the one pictured, the Bible does not.)

  5. Really Isaac? I thought the whole brimstone and ash, and fiery darkness was taken from biblical imagery? No?

    Of course thinking about it now and knowing that there have been no more manipulative influences on the development of modern man than church dogma, I could have guessed as much.

    Why wouldn't the church paint hell as everything that is scary to humans? The imagery alone drives people, and most importantly their tithes, to the safety of the church.

    Or am I being too cynical?

  6. "Or am I being too cynical?"

    No, not cynical. Yours is an accurate assessment, Ed. Medieval clergy started the scam and it worked so well that it has continued to this day.

  7. I'm not an atheist, I consider myself a Christian who bizarrely believes in both a creator and in the scientific process of evolution.....go figure.

    What I do believe in is the manipulativeness of the "Church". Look around at the prevalence of the mega-churches and tell me modern religion isn't about appropriating the wealth of worshipers with guilt and the promise of good deeds in their names.

    Sometimes I feel guilty for not attending church on Sunday, but hiking in the woods with my wife instead as we do, but then I know that I'd be suspicious of every word I sat and listened to. How am I being manipulated today? So I just don't attend.

  8. I love to hike, too, Ed. My brothers and I right now are planning a weekend hike in the Dolly Sods Wilderness in the Monongahela National Forest, part of the Allegheny Mountains of eastern West Virginia.

    (Wikipedia: "Dolly Sods is a rocky, high-altitude plateau with sweeping vistas and lifeforms normally found much farther north in Canada.")

  9. Isaac, we go to Chattanooga regularly to explore the challenging trails there.....perhaps we'll meet there one of these days for a beer and one of the local breweries after a long walk in the woods.

  10. Isaac, we go to Chattanooga regularly to explore the challenging trails there.....perhaps we'll meet there one of these days for a beer and one of the local breweries after a long walk in the woods.
