Friday, February 14, 2014

While Americans suffer, the Obama's live like kings

Some boy scouts some where will be camping under the stars for a while since Michelle Obama evidently commandeered their tent to make this dress to host the French president at a state dinner.

This one dress cost taxpayers $12,000 and made the media swoon. On the other hand, when Ann Romney gave an interview wearing a $900 blouse, the media went apoplectic with outrage at what out-of-touch elitist the Romney's were for such extravagance when the American people are suffering.

Michelle's dress alone cost more than the average annual income of all households around the world, which is about $9,800, and is more than the average household income for 87 countries. That she and BHO are dining in conspicuous luxury with a wealth-hating socialist, yet publicly demonizing regular people who do the same as evil, greedy capitalists is the height of hypocrisy. And still the running-dog ass-kissers in the American media worship the very ground they walk on.

This country is done I'm afraid.


  1. "This one dress cost taxpayers $12,000...."

    Just out of curiosity, Ed, did the taxpayers pay for this dress? Are presidents and their families provided wardrobes as a perquisite of office?

  2. It is my understanding that for official state functions, the taxpayers pick up the tab. If she bought this on one of her scores of million dollar vacations, then no, taxpayers would not pick up the tab.

    But I could be wrong. In any case, the point was that her wearing a dress that expensive while Americans struggle everywhere, is elitism on conspicuous display at it's worst. She's a modern day Marie Antoinette.

  3. Cost more than my car is worth.
