Friday, February 28, 2014

Palin saw it coming 6 years ago....who's being laughed at now, media?

In 2008, then vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was mocked and ridiculed by the media and democrats for predicting this regarding Obama's weakness with respect to Russia.....

"After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next."

She saw it six years ago. Palin understood what US presidential weakness could invite around the world. It's far too late for Obama to do anything now but point fingers at Putin, pretend there's a "red line" he shouldn't cross, and whine to the UN to write a strongly worded letter. 

It is the media who should be mocked for installing into the white house, a two-bit, street hustling community agitator with not a single significant accomplishment other than being born with politically favored skin color. If the Ukrainians want to blame somebody for being so easily under the Russian thumb once again, they can blame the pernicious American media. 

Sure, if Putin wanted to invade the Ukraine, no American President could have stopped him, but the international relations dynamic between Putin and a strong American President would have at least given him pause.  

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