Monday, December 30, 2013

Phil Robertson has defenders aplenty, he needs more mockery

How's this for a bit of pop-culture irony?

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty compared homosexuality to bestiality, and not in a good way ;-), but his whole life is dedicated to tricking ducks into thinking he wants to have sex with them.


  1. "Phil Robertson ... he needs more mockery"

    Why does Phil Robertson need more mockery, Ed?

  2. Simply because I have not mocked him yet. Don't misunderstand me, I support his right to believe whatever he wants to believe and to suffer any economic consequences that arise from voicing those beliefs. That's how the system works. And for the record, I oppose A&E's decision to shitcan him for it.

    All that said, Robertson has plenty of defenders and being the dick that I am, I saw an opportunity to have some fun at his expense.

  3. I'm searching for information here, Ed. If Robertson were to be mocked, to what would that mocking point?

  4. I really have to explain this, Isaac?

    First, because Robertson is everybody's favorite protagonist in this particular narrative, naturally I'm going to take the other side.

    To that end, I found it funny that a guy who compares homosexuality with bestiality, and clearly disfavors both, uses the promise of sex with ducks to make his living.

    You really don't see the humor in that?

  5. "You really don't see the humor in that?"

    I don't, Ed. Duck callers, even if the call mimics a mating call (which I doubt), is not offering sex between the hunter and the ducks.

    Furthermore, Robertson only compared homosexuality with bestiality in the sense of calling them both sins.

    That is hardly a remarkable comment for him to have made. God is the ultimate arbiter in these matters and his position isn't the least bit ambiguous regarding homosexuality or bestiality.

    The people who need more mockery are those who pretend that God has not pronounced homosexuality a sin.

  6. Isaac, do you equate homosexuality with bestiality? Or to ask it another way, is all sin, just sin with one sin being no greater than the other?

    Additionally, do you really believe that every instance of homosexuality on Earth is a purely chosen behavior? If you believe that then you probably also believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.....according to the Bible, it is.

  7. Q. Isaac, do you equate homosexuality with bestiality? Or to ask it another way, is all sin, just sin with one sin being no greater than the other?
    A. Absent a spiritual quickening – that fundamental change in a man’s core nature – everything that you and I do are the acts of a sinner, not just the “bad” things. In that sense, all sins are equal.

    In another sense, however, some sins are worse than others. No one thinks that pride and murder are of equal gravity, for example.

    If we were to put bestiality and homosexuality on moral scales, however, my view is they would weigh roughly the same.

    Q. Additionally, do you really believe that every instance of homosexuality on Earth is a purely chosen behavior?
    A. I don't know but it doesn't matter whether it is or not. Children are born with hair lips but we don't have a Hair Lip Pride Day. Children are born with club feet but we don't celebrate club feet. I was born an adulterer but I don't cheat on my wife. I was born a liar but I don't lie. I was born a thief but I don't steal.

    Q. If you believe that then you probably also believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.....according to the Bible, it is.
    A. Nonsense. James Ussher, Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland between 1625 and 1656 claimed to have calculated the age of the earth by studying the Bible ... but the Bible nowhere speaks to the age of the earth. I know. I have read it from cover to cover many times.

  8. I know plenty of fundamentalist Christians who believe that the Earth is 6000 years old according to the bible.

    Lying, cheating, and stealing are all choices in the purest sense of the word. You don't know that biologically, maybe alleles on some X and Y chromosomes might code for homosexuality, in which case that is not a choice. Can you say that for certain, and if not, how can you judge them as sinners if their DNA compels them to be gay?

  9. ED: " can you judge them as sinners if their DNA compels them to be gay?"
    I.A.N.: I didn't judge them to be sinners, Ed, God did. Men get to say what is legal or illegal. Men get to say what is socially acceptable and what is not. God gets to say what is a sin and what isn't. He plainly says that homosexuality is a sin. You don't like it? Take it up with him, not me.

  10. Then answer this, if God designed our bodies to work as they do, and I believe he did, then how is a genetic mutation a sin....unless you think all homosexuality is purely choice? Either God made a mistake, or he intended for mutations to occur.

  11. Q. " is a genetic mutation a sin...?"

    A. A genetic predisposition to homosexuality (if there is such a thing) is not a sin, Ed. Butt-fucking with another man is a sin. Do you see the distinction? One is a choice, the other is not.

    Let me say it another way. A genetic predisposition to heterosexuality is not a sin. Sex before marriage is a sin. Sex with anyone other than my wife is a sin. If I never touch my neighbor's wife but am willing to have sex with her should the opportunity present itself, I have already committed adultery.

    It goes beyond that, even. I can't have sex with another woman for as long as my wife lives even if we stop being married to each other. If we get divorced and I remarry, I will have committed the sin of adultery.

    You make a common mistake, Ed. You think that few people are sinners. That is not the case. Everyone is a sinner from the day they are born. It goes downhill from there.

    The good news is that God has made a way for the slate to be wiped clean and for our sins to not count against us. If we take advantage of that we will eventually be brought back to life, be given a healthy, trouble-free body, and live forever on an Earth that has been restored to an Eden-like state.

    If we pass on God's offer we eventually will be brought back to life, be shown what we missed out on, and then die again. (No, there is no such thing a burning in Hell forever. That is not in the Bible.)

    That is what that saying means:
    "Born once - die twice.
    Born twice - die once."

  12. You don't have to sell me on Christianity Isaac, I am one. You, however, do take a particularly rigid view of the rules in my opinion.

    Do you really castigate yourself with guilt for every impure thought you have? What kind of life is that my friend? Lighten up.

  13. "You, however, do take a particularly rigid view of the rules in my opinion."

    Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not taking any chances. There is too much at stake.

    "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."
