Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Takeaway's from last night's elections in New Jersey and Virginia

So Ken Cuccinelli lost his bid to become the governor of Virginia by a slim 1.4% points. Here are the reasons why:

1: A billionaire bundler for Obama financed the ridiculous campaign of a supposed Libertarian and dumb Virginians fell for it with 6% of the vote. Without him pretending to run for governor, Cuccinelli wins easily.

2: Establishment republicans in DC abandoned Cuccinelli, probably because he was the first state AG to file an anti-Obamacare lawsuit. Clearly he was not going to play ball with entrenched, beltway RINO's, while Mcauliffe is an old-school DC insider from the Clinton administration with whom republicans like McCain, Boehner, Cantor, etc are comfortable as the governor closest geographically to DC.

And 3: It's possible, if not likely, that Virginians saw Cuccinelli as a tad too ideological. And that spells trouble for TEA-party conservatives in 40 governor's races and hundreds of House races in the mid-terms. I think ideological conservatives might have a tough time getting majority votes in moderate(read battle-ground) states.

What am I going to do you ask? If I vote at all, I'll vote for the most Libertarian candidate in every race and I refuse to vote for a milquetoast republican, especially at the national level.

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