Monday, November 11, 2013

Be careful before you donate

Before you decide which "charities" will receive your donations this year, have a look at this chart. (Click on the image to enlarge)

Charity is a big business in the US. While we do a lot of good with the money Americans give, there is a lot of personal profit being made at the same time. Be careful to whom you donate.

Note: I have not vetted this data. You should be responsible for researching whatever charity you give money to.


  1. I could not, in good conscience, give to any of the military-related charities, Ed. Military men and women are murderers for hire. They invade countries that never did anything to the U.S. and who couldn't, even if they wanted to. While there they murder innocent men, women and children, mostly civilians, in cold blood. Vile and wicked actions by any objective standard.

    1. You're an idiot, they defended that right for you to say the dumbest thing I'll hear all day.

      Which innocents did the military murder? Are you talking about the Jews they liberated in WWII? Or the Kurds they defended in desert shield?

      Perhaps you're confusing them for Imperial Japan who killed 1177 Americans in 90 minutes that prompted the response you deem vile? Or maybe you mistook them for the suicide bombers who killed 2977 innocent Americans after the United States tried your way of tolerance for 13 years?

      What's more funny is the United States always waits until the last second to go to war, after civilians typically have to die first. The one time we start a war and avoid civilian deaths is three most criticized war since Vietnam and our soldiers make minimum wage but they are guns for hire?

      Isis formally declared war on us in 2012, Isi as it was called then. If they were guns for hire, why the fuck haven't boots hit the ground in three years?

      You've got to be the biggest moron I've come across in the Age of Information. A true testament to the degrading nature of the American public's understanding and intelligence. Please don't vote or breed.

  2. And by "murder" of course Isaac, you mean unintentional collateral civilian casualties, right?

  3. When we invade countries that never threatened the U.S., and which couldn't hurt us even if they wanted to, EVERYONE we kill is an act of murder. And BTW, civilian casualties are not unintentional - they are integral to the strategy of modern warfare.

  4. Look, I'm not in favor of invading all these countries either, but we are there to weed out the terrorists who do pose a threat....sort of. It's not the country as a whole.

  5. I'm sure you see a larger, nefarious, plot to take over the middle east or hand it over to the Jooos, but our politicians aren't that smart or capable of such long-term thinking. They only care about getting themselves re-elected so the longest term of thinking is 2,4, or 6 years depending on office held, never longer.

    You can explain every, EVERY action taken by US politicians with simple self-interest. It never amounts to anything more.

    If remaining in Afghanistan pointlessly helps Obama get re-elected, then it's worthwhile. If invading Iraq helped Bush get re-elected because the war hawks on the right demanded it as a payback for 9/11, even if grossly misplaced, then that made it worthwhile.

    Clinging to power is all that matters, nothing else.

  6. "Please don't vote..."

    I never vote. If I voted I would be agreeing to accept the will of the majority and thus would no longer have the right to complain. "The sheeple have spoken" and all that nonsense.

    1. Actually you're confused, you think the United States is a Democracy, it's not. It's a Republic. The forefathers often referred to a Democracy as "nothing more than the majority trampling the minorities Rights".

      Don't believe me? "I Pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the Untied States of America.
      And to the republic, for which it stands..."

    2. Actually you're confused, you think the United States is a Democracy, it's not. It's a Republic. The forefathers often referred to a Democracy as "nothing more than the majority trampling the minorities Rights".

      Don't believe me? "I Pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the Untied States of America.
      And to the republic, for which it stands..."

  7. Isaac A. Nussbaum, I noticed you avoided every aspect of my statement and all my questions except where I asked you not to vote, why is that?

    What countries are you referring to when you say we've "invaded" them for no reason?

    Civilian casualties are not part of war for the United States, there is much controversy surrounding the Rules of Engagement for United States Soldiers, and the controversy has been they've been too strict. Have you read anything outside of a meme or Youtube captions within the last decade?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You are right, Adam. The U.S. is a shining city on a hill. It has never flexed its military muscles for anything other than unavoidable self-defense and neither its military nor its proxies have ever killed a non-combatant. Please accept my apologies.

  10. Tragically, poor old Jacob G. Hornberger (founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation) isn’t as well informed as you and me, Adam. In “NONINTERVENTIONISM IS THE ONLY CURE FOR AMERICA’S FOREIGN POLICY WOES” he writes:

    “Interventionism is the reason why so many people hate the United States. U.S. interventionism is up front and personal for many foreigners. Tens of thousands of people around the world have seen family members, loved ones, friends, or countrymen killed or maimed or had their homes and businesses destroyed by U.S. interventionism. When that happens, it’s difficult to suppress anger and rage.”

    Somebody ought to take that silly man’s blog away from him!


  11. Adam, I hope you will join me in condemning this former marine. He obviously doesn't know what he is talking about since what he says is so radically different from what you say and you, as we all know, are a wellspring of wisdom and knowledge.


    I could recall countless horrific anecdotes from my time in Iraq. Innocent people were not only routinely rounded-up, tortured and imprisoned, they were also incinerated by the hundreds of thousands, some studies suggest by the millions.

    Only the Iraqis understand the pure evil that's been waged on their nation. They remember the West's role in the eight year war between Iraq and Iran; they remember Clinton's sanctions in the 1990s, policies which resulted in the deaths of well over 500,000 people, largely women and children. Then, 2003 came and the West finished the job. Today, Iraq is an utterly devastated nation. The people are poisoned and maimed, and the natural environment is toxic from bombs laced with depleted uranium.

    This point can never be overstated... the scale of destruction the West has inflicted in the Middle East is absolutely unimaginable to the vast majority of ... Westerners, [who] consistently and naively ask, "Why do they hate us?"

  12. It's a damn shame that Dr. Paul Craig Roberts isn't as well informed as you are, Adam. Why don't you contact him and straighten him out like you straightened me out?

    December 23, 2015

    The criminal thugs who comprise the government of the United States have now destroyed Ukraine, adding another scalp to their 21st century collection of scalps from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and large parts of Syria and Pakistan.

    The American military/security complex has grown mega-rich at the expense of a vast proportion of mankind.

    American “patriots,” brainwashed by the presstitute media, have supported the most egregious and least justified war crimes in human history. Among moral peoples everywhere the United States is regarded as “the Great Satan.”

    (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. Former Columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. His latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West, How America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.)
