Monday, September 16, 2013

California throws itself off the cliff with minimum wage hike to $10

Just how stupid are they in California? Stupid enough to ignore the business flight out of that state because of union thuggery and obscenely high taxes, and drive still more jobs out by raising the minimum wage to $10 by 2016.

Entry level jobs aren't worth $10 an hour. They're worth whatever the labor market determines they're worth, which in the current, high-unemployment economic climate would be dramatically less than even the $8 it is in California now.

Additionally, entry-level jobs don't exist to support families. They're for entry-level workers to learn job skills, responsibility, punctuality, work ethic, and to earn a little spending money as they prepare to move on to a better job. If you are trying to support a family working entry level, then you've already made a whole series of horrible life decisions and there's not much hope for you.

Business simply won't hire people to do entry-level work for $10/hour. They'll either fire some workers to make up the difference or they'll move to a state that is more friendly to business. When he signs this bill, Jerry Brown will have established himself as the biggest moron to ever hold a governor's office.


  1. Excellent comments Ed. I'm laughing.

  2. "Business simply won't hire people to do entry-level work for $10/hour. They'll either fire some workers to make up the difference or they'll move to a state that is more friendly to business."

    Absolutely right, Ed. Employers have other options as well. They can stop doing that work/providing that service. Or, if the job allows for it, and the cost/benefit ratio is favorable, they can automate.

  3. Right you are, Isaac. Business trying to pay workers as little as possible versus workers trying to extract as much pay as possible for that work is the natural tension that makes the business world go 'round while serving the best interests of workers and employers alike.
