Monday, July 29, 2013

Rand Paul for President?

Sen. Rand Paul responded to criticism from Chris Christie and Peter King who attacked him as a "dangerous libertarian" for his isolationist foreign policy ideas......
From HotAir -- “They’re precisely the same people who are unwilling to cut the spending, and their `Gimme, gimme, gimme — give me all my Sandy money now.’” Paul said, referring to federal funding after the hurricane last year. “Those are the people who are bankrupting the government and not letting enough money be left over for national defense.”
“I don’t mind spying on terrorists,” he said. “I just don’t like spying on all Americans.” …
“I didn’t start this one, and I don’t plan on starting things by criticizing other Republicans,” he said. “But if they want to make me the target, they will get it back in spades.”
Oh, it is on! The more I hear from Rand Paul and conversely, establishment republicans like Christie and King, the more I like Paul and the less I like Christie and King. The establishment GOP may think it has a grip on its base, but if it wants to win elections, they'll need young people. And young voters are solidly against so much war....endless, expensive, pointless war. With talk like this from Paul, establishment republicans had better be ready to debate this issue because Americans want it debated. 


  1. In my view, Rand Paul wouldn't make a decent pimple on his dad's derrier.

  2. I agree that he's a little watered down in terms of his father's libertarianism, but compared to the putative GOP field that we'll likely see, staffed by the usual suspects, I'll take watered down libertarianism over a garden-variety beltway republican any day.

  3. Purity of any party or belief will not get elected. Having visited with my Senators last week I sense the time is right for alternatives and Paul may just be the guy.

  4. I agree, he's just enough mainstream to not displease the party movers too much, while being enough of a libertarian to really excite the base and lots of new, young voters that would normally vote Dem or not vote at all.
