Monday, July 01, 2013

Noted liberal Anderson Cooper goes off the reservation and criticizes another liberal

Alec Baldwin had another profanity-laced meltdown during which he used various gay slurs against his perceived transgressor. Noted gay journalist Anderson Cooper rightly wondered this on Twitter.....

"Why does Alec Baldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a 'queen' they would be vilified".

It's simple Anderson and you know the answer as well as everybody's because he's a liberal.

Liberals can say or do almost anything and nobody cares because liberals never, NEVER question each other. The advance of liberalism supersedes every other minority-group agenda, so when one liberal exposes himself as a racist, homophobe, misogynist, criminal, addict, pedophile, rapist, etc., other liberals shrug and look the other way because liberals never criticize other liberals for any reason. It's a rule.

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