Friday, May 31, 2013

AG Holder, we have a little thing is this country called the 1st amendment

Eric Holder told a Muslim audience in SanFran that trashing Muslims on social media might violate their civil rights.

Well, let me be the first to break the law. Muslims are stupid, backward, dirty savages from the dark ages who have contributed nothing to modern civilization except violence, misogyny, and 5th century barbarism. They represent the worst of human behavior and have no business among evolved people. And when so-called moderate Muslims renounce the cult of Islam and terrorism, and elect to live in the modern world, I'll exclude them from this description.

Come and get me Holder, you verminous rat.


  1. "Muslims are stupid, backward, dirty savages…"

    Your vitriolic misrepresentation of Muslims is growing tiresome, Ed. Frankly, it says much more about you than it does about Muslims, and what it says isn't flattering, my friend.

  2. P.S. There are thousands of photojournals that prove you regularly and falsely malign Muslims, Ed. This is but one of them:

  3. Isaac, a freedom unexercised isn't really a freedom is it?

    I'm just asserting my 1st amendment rights of egregious, mean-spirited, hateful, speech. The kind of speech the 1st amendment was written to protect. Holder cannot abridge that right.

  4. Isaac, I've made this point before. Moderate Muslims, if there is such a thing, sit submissively or in quiet agreement, as the radicals assume status as de-facto spokesmen of the religion....if you can call violent idolatry of a pedophile a religion.

    When these moderate, peace-loving Muslims separate themselves from the terrorists, which they have not done, then they'll be separated from our group assessment of them.

  5. When these moderate, peace-loving Muslims separate themselves from the terrorists....?

    And when "Christian" pastors distance themselves from criminal Israel....

  6. What's wrong with Israel? Are they Muslim?!

  7. Isaac, if no katyusha rockets exploded in Israel, if no school buses full of women and children got bombed, if Israelis didn't get attacked on almost a daily basis, you'd never see Israel retaliating against anybody. Israel treats Palestinians living in Israel better than the Arab countries treat them.

    To the Arab world, the Palestinians are a garbage people to be used as a hammer with which to malign and attack Israel with international impunity.

  8. “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ~Malcolm X

    Malcolm X was talking to you, Ed, but, unfortunately, you weren't listening.

  9. If anything, the opposite of what Malcolm X said is true. The fish-wrappers fabricate oppression where there is none and assign "perpetrator" and "victim" status to entire groups who did nothing to deserve either. You Isaac, are the one who is deluded.

  10. Are you really ignorant of the crimes that Israel has committed, and is committing, against the indigenous Semites of Palestine, Ed, or are you just pretending to be clueless?

  11. Neither, our differences are in our respective perceptions. I see Israel's actions as defensive and retaliatory while you see them as aggressive and instigatory.

  12. "I see Israel's actions as defensive and retaliatory while you see them as aggressive and instigatory."

    You have merely stated the obvious, Ed. My question is, WHY do you incorrectly and misleadingly report Israel's actions as defensive and retaliatory? Is it lack of information? A lack of understanding? A con? Complicity?

    There is no room for an honest difference of opinion on this subject. The facts on the ground and the history of the conflict admit for but one conclusion - Israel is a wicked, violent, vicious and criminal invader and usurper.

    You give them a pass to act that way. I don't.

  13. “Israel must be a like a mad dog...", said Moshe Dayan. Evidently, that strategy has worked:

    Per the BBC World Service’s latest global survey, Israel is not only one of the world’s most negatively viewed countries, but its reputation is deteriorating.

    The US is now the only Western country that holds favorable views of Israel and in some European countries, including Germany, positive views of Israel are in the single digits.
