Monday, April 08, 2013

Resistance to the Collective is futile

Just Wow! MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry actually uses the term "collective" when referring to whose responsibility it is to raise kids. Essentially she's saying that even your own kids aren't your responsibility, they are the government's.


I'll remind Melissa that the US spends more in kids' education than all other first-world nations except the dramatically socialist Sweden. Spending isn't the reason our kids are among the dumbest on Earth. Blame teacher's unions, government interference, political correctness, distracted self-indulgent parents, and an intellectually decadent culture that places value on misbehavior, non-accountability, lack of self-respect or respect for others, idleness, and celebrity-worship.


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  3. How can someone as pretty as Harris-Perry be, at the same time, so frightening. Ah, that's right. She is a statist. Frightening is part of their DNA.

  4. Evil comes wrapped in all kinds of pretty packaging.
