Monday, April 01, 2013

Civilian laziness drives new uses for military technology

It never takes long before ultra-advanced military technology got appropriated for the mundane diversions of civilian life. The Navy pioneered the use of water proof dive watches and pretty soon guys like me were wearing them to appear more cool and military like....

NASA and the Army pioneered the use of satellite technology to pinpoint ground locations with GPS and pretty soon guys like me were using the same satellites and technology to find the nearest 5-Guys hamburger joint.....

The government invented the Interwebs to facilitate quick and secure communication between agencies and pretty soon the productiveness of the nation dropped because all we do with it is look at porn and cat videos....

Now, fresh off the battle-fields of Afghanistan and Iraq, advanced drone technology is being used by some French news agency to deliver the paper to who ever is too lazy to go buy one.

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