Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mike Rogers wants to invade Syria next

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Mike Rogers (R) Michigan, thinks it's time for the US to sacrifice more billions in treasure and thousands of lives in yet another middle-east hell-hole. This time, it's Syria. 

Rogers lectured the pinheads on CBS This Morning,  "The U.S. knows there has been some forensic evidence that at least small quantities" of chemical weapons may have been used. Rogers also says the United States has "lost the faith" of the opposition forces, adding, "This is the time to act. Don't wait until we have 5,000 dead."

Not only do we not need to invade Syria, we need to pull completely out of Iraq and Afghanistan. That part of the world is a lost cause. Regardless of which blood-thirsty dictator terrorizes those cat-boxes of sand, they'll continue to sell their oil on the international markets as always. 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan and nothing has been accomplished.....if that's not the definition of a military quagmire I don't know what is.

Rogers thinks we've "lost the faith"? We never had the faith of the middle east. What bizarro world does he live in? Why do we, the US, have to solve every third-world catastrophe that comes along, for humanitarian reasons?  


  1. I concur Ed. Let's get the heck out of there. Nothing we can do but lose money, lives, and energy.

    Sometimes there is something to be said for the adage "give war a chance". But nothing says we have to be involved in it.i

  2. Yeah! Let's invade Syria next! We haven't invaded a Middle Eastern country in a few months. It's time for Team America: World Police to jump back into action!

    America ...

    America ...

    America! F*** yeah! Comin' again to save the motherf***in day! Yeah!

    America! F*** yeah! Freedom is the only way! Yeah!

    Terrorists, your game is through, 'cause now you'll have to answer to America! F*** yeah!


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