Monday, February 18, 2013

Government readies itself for martial law

While the government tries to disarm the populace, it simultaneously arms itself with billions of rounds of hollow-point, armor-piercing rounds of ammunition.....WHY, why would DHS and the Social Security Admin. need that much ammo? 

Mark Levin thinks the government is readying itself, not for a Tea Party revolution, but for the pandemonium, chaos, and lawlessness that'll accompany a very real possibility of a total collapse of the US economy under the weight of national debt....a collapse the government itself is causing. 

Controlling the citizenry with martial law under those conditions will be easier if we don't have guns. 

I know what you're thinking, "Ed, you're just paranoid." 

Why yes, I am paranoid about the bad intentions of government, but that doesn't mean the government isn't out to get me and my guns just the same.

 H/T to TPNN.

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