Monday, January 07, 2013

Rape is OK, shooting a rapist is not

Good grief! The craven anti-gun nuts over at the Brady Campaign think it's OK to get raped, just as long as you don't shoot your rapist.....

I'd like to see where the feminists are on this. Somebody needs to ask Gloria Steinem or Terry O'Neill(current NOW president) if women should submit to rape rather than shoot their attacker. Which is worse, living with the horror of having been raped, or living with the guilt of having killed your would-be rapist....assuming you'd feel guilty at all?

UPDATE: I had suspicions about this poster because it's so outrageous and it turns out that its a hoax. The Brady Campaign produced no such poster. Still, the question remains: Given that democrats are stridently anti-gun and feminists are in lock-step politically with the democrats, where do feminists stand on the 2nd amendment when it comes to women protecting themselves with deadly force from rapists?

1 comment:

  1. I really don't think this is that bad of a poster as I really would not kill a person for that, unless, of course, he/she tried to kill me.
