Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obama doesn't skeet shoot

Earlier this week, as a way of claiming to identify with sporting gun enthusiasts, Pres. Obama absurdly claimed that he shoots skeet regularly with friends up at Camp David, but even the most stridently duplicitous members of the press corps were skeptical and demanded photo evidence. Mentally challenged, lying liar Jay Carney tried to deflect media suspicions by claiming that Obama shoots skeet for fun, not for photo-ops.

Riding to the rescue was lefty blog New Republic with "evidence" of Obama shooting skeet, you can see here in the top picture. But as any golfer like me can attest, Obama has perhaps the worst post-swing golf posture's spastic. And I thought I recognized it from photos I'd seen before. The bottom pic is clearly Obama badly playing golf and it's the same image New Republic photo-shopped in Obama's defense.

Did they really think nobody would notice?

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