Friday, January 25, 2013

Fight at Detroit food-stamp office

Food stamp recipients don't have anything better to do than breed generations of democrat voters, demand handouts from the productive, and sleep 'till noon.....that is unless you try to break in line for the freebies at the food-stamp office, then they are right and truly motivated.....


If only they would be this motivated and energetic to get jobs and education.


  1. Frightening but this is the future for the U.S. Good intentions without any thought of the long-term consequences. Buy bullets.

  2. What a bunch of vile scum...

  3. Like I said, coming to America soon. Actually it's already here just not fully active yet. Withdrawal or reduction in their "entitlements" should do the trick in bringing them out. Buy bullets. I predict a zombie apocalypse. Enjoy.
