Thursday, January 31, 2013

False advertising

I blatantly stole these images and the idea from Plancksconstant, but I deemed lampooning Islam to be worth the theft. Anyway, despite truth-in-advertising laws, we all know things are never as they are sold to us. Here are a few examples from the fast-food and Hollywood industries.....

Likewise, Islam is sold to us by our own media as a religion and culture equal to ours, no better and no worse. We should not be judgmental of it regardless of how barbaric we feel the practitioners of it are...

Islam -- The Religion of Peace, the biggest advertising scam in the modern world.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You may always republish my articles without needing permission. Thanks for letting your readers know about the danger of Islam to civilized societies.

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