Friday, December 21, 2012

Milk to cost $8/gallon

Lost in the discussion of the fiscal cliff is the non-renewal of the current farm bill that will occur along with the cliff disaster. The US government meddles in the milk industry by setting a minimum price that dairy farmers are given for their milk in order to cover their costs of production and ostensibly to maintain stability in the market.

If the new farm bill does not get passed, by law the government will have to revert to 1949 prices which will make the cost of milk per gallon skyrocket to as much a $8. This is why government should have never meddled in the dairy industry in the first place.

Here's an idea: why not get the government out of the milk industry altogether and let the market determine milk prices? If the price of milk goes up without a farm bill, then other farmers will jump into the dairy industry in order to take advantage of the profit possibilities and that competition will depress the price naturally, all without any government interference.

I can't think of a single industry that our government doesn't see fit to regulate and/or meddle with. And that's why my resentment and contempt of government has never been greater. But as proved by the last election, a majority of Americans care not for free markets and capitalism, rather they just want the government to provide for them what they want.....I despise people like this.


  1. "I despise people like this."

    What he said.

  2. Ed, you are all over this. No surprise. The free market is so simple. Note to gov-ment: Just stay out of it already.

  3. You would think that if it were as obvious to politicians as it is to us, we wouldn't have meddling in the markets, but the reality is that it is just as obvious to politicians, but they ignore that in order to use their meddling to buy votes.

    We've reached a sad point in American history in which a majority of Americans would rather have the egalitarian stability that comes with totalitarianism than the relatively minor uncertainty that comes with freedom and self-determination.

  4. It works both ways. Americans are lazy and feel entitled. The Politicians crave the power. win-win.

    BUT, it's a big LOSE for the country. We are near the post-game handshake now.

  5. It works both ways. Americans are lazy and feel entitled. The Politicians crave the power. win-win.

    BUT, it's a big LOSE for the country. We are near the post-game handshake now.
