Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Begun the implosion of Egypt has

Today 2,000 Islamic radicals stormed the unoccupied American embassy and tore down the American flag there. In it's place they raised a black flag that said, "There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his messenger."

Apparently they are upset about a movie that somehow insults their imagined prophet Mohammad and think it was made in the US by Coptic-Christian Egyptians living here. If dictator Hosni Mubarak was still in charge, none of this would be happening, the Egyptian military would have crushed the protesters without thinking twice, and Egypt would still be an American-friendly place to visit. But Obama thought the Arab-Spring had merit in Egypt......I argue that it did not. 

No matter who wins the election, the nearly $2Billion in aid, mostly military, will continue to flow since Egypt controls the Suez Canal through which vast amounts of middle east petroleum are transported. 

Until we get a libertarian-minded President who'll cut off all financial aid to nations no longer friendly to the US, I suggest we leave Egypt and the rest of the Middle East to the radical savages if that's what they want, and if they attempt to restrict the flow of oil through the Suez, we terminate them with extreme prejudice. 

I hope Obama's happy with his decision to allow the Arab-Spring to take over Egypt rather than supporting Mubarak, a dictator no doubt, but friendly with the US nevertheless. 


  1. @Ed "I hope Obama's happy with his decision to allow [CAUSE] the Arab-Spring to take over Egypt rather than supporting Mubarak, a dictator no doubt, but friendly with the US nevertheless."

  2. By "CAUSE" Isaac, do you mean that by supporting the so-called Arab Spring in Libya and Algeria, Obama signaled his approval, thereby encouraging it elsewhere?

    So chaos in Egypt is on Obama's hands just as the blood in Syria is on his hands too?
