Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stephanie Cutter....the gift to conservatives that keeps on giving

The hapless Stephanie Cutter, one of Obama's campaign managers tries to defend her boss for not having taken questions from the white house press pool in months, but talking non-stop instead to Entertainment Tonight, People Mag, and local top-40 radio DJ's in Albuquerque. She tries to defend Obama but inadvertently reveals what is necessary for democrats to stay in power......the stupidity of the democrat base.....


Morons who rely on news from ET and People shouldn't be allowed to drive much less vote. Obama can't handle tough questions from actual members of the press, but the other benefit is that dumb democrat voters don't watch hard news. They watch ET for news and Obama can handle the softball questions he gets from those idiots.

Stephanie Cutter should resign if she wants her boss to have half a chance of re-election. But for me, I'd like to see her stay around and keep revealing the treachery and phoniness of the democrat party.

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