Thursday, March 29, 2012

Obama doesn't like the lottery

With the Mega-millions lottery reaching $560million, stupid people in droves are buying up tickets using money they should be spending on groceries, clothes, and health care. Obama thinks the lottery "targets" those who can least afford to buy tickets.....

From FoxNews -- In 2000, then State Senator Barack Obama slammed the Illinois lottery on a Chicago talk show as he felt it targeted "lower income" people who spent money they "don't necessarily have"

Obama cites “studies” that indicated more lottery tickets were sold “among working class folks” than in “well to do areas”…

Working class people are working class because they make decisions that keep them in the working class....such as wasting money on lottery tickets. Well to do people are well to do because they make decisions that make them wealthy....such as saving and investing money rather than wasting it on gambling.

Lotteries don't target people, people target themselves.


  1. Just to show what kimd of state my state (unfortunantly) of Illinois is in, they've started using gold as an incentive to draw people to the lotto. A couple weeks ago on the radio I heard about a multi million jackpot, which you could get either paid in cash or get the money paid, after taxes, in gold... Ha ha, even Illinoise is "preying" on people's distrust of the dollar.

  2. With a estimated 1/2 Billion at stake I might buy a ticket today. I know, I know, I am more likely to be eaten by a shark on the way to work than I am to winning this thing.

  3. Well fellas, if either of you win, I'd appreciate your thinking of me in some small way.

  4. If I win? Ha! I would never waste my money on that. At some stores the like backed up for 6 hrs. So not only can I feel I've saved the ticket money, but I made money from 6 hrs of work that the knuckle heads in those lines were stupid enough to skip!
