Monday, March 19, 2012

Elle Macpherson, useful idiot

Supermodel has-been Elle Macpherson demonstrates on the Howard Stern show why she's popular for her body, not her mind....

From Newsbusters -- HOWARD STERN: Who should be the next President of the United States Elle MacPherson, go ahead.

ELLE MACPHERSON: I think Obama’s going to do it.

STERN: You like Obama?
MACPHERSON: Yeah, I’m living in London and I’m socialist. What do you expect?

And Obama's media lapdogs wonder why people think he's a socialist.

Under true socialism, Elle wouldn't have the cloistered life of idleness, exclusivity, and luxury that she enjoys now. But she knows that under Obama-style, which is European-style, quasi-socialism, there are still sharply drawn lines of privilege between the beautiful rich like her and the unwashed masses like the rest of us.


  1. Some animals are more equal than others.

  2. She is a sucessfu buisness oman for....... bra... Maybe you are right but still i am her biggest fan

  3. She is a sucessfu buisness oman for....... bra... Maybe you are right but still i am her biggest fan

  4. In kolplete komment. it appears that Elle is a mean UNforgiving money grabbing person. She has failed to opologize for her errors in judgement following her "phone hacking" scandel in which she wrongly blamed her manager.
