Wednesday, November 16, 2011

US Marines? In Australia?

On his trip to Australia yesterday, Obama announced plans for the US to deploy 250 and eventually 2,500 marines in northern Australia in the coming months. Why? Supposedly it is to apply theoretical pressure to the Chinese not to misbehave in the south Pacific but, is that really a concern of ours? And why does Australia need US marines to protect them? They have a fine military. This seems like a slap in the face of the Australian Army to me.

I don't get why they would invite us to be there, other than a lot of local economic stimulus comes with supporting that many people.

I just don't get having US military bases all over the world. Seems pointless to me. Let Australia handle her own business. If we need to project force to the south Pacific, we can easily do it in a matter of hours and 2,500 marines aren't going to deter China from doing whatever it wants there.


  1. "Why?"

    Because China is on the guest list for WWIII and the Dystopians want to make sure that the Chinese know that they are invited to the party.

  2. Prepping the battlefield so to speak for our next engagement now that we seem to be detangling from the ME. Hey, how about a 5 years of a military isolationist policy where we bring ALL our forces home and focus on OUR country for a change.

    I know, I know, someone will poo-poo isolationism and tell me it's better to fight in someone else's backyard. But sometimes I think all this "foreign US military presence" is creating a false equilibrium not unlike the Federal government meddling in business, e.g. Freddie and Fanny. There will always be fears and naysayers of un-mdeeling, but the proverbial bubble will burst regardless.
