Monday, November 21, 2011

UC-Davis morons learn about law-enforcement, the hard way

Dumb, entitled students at UC-Davis refuse to stop blocking a public use sidewalk on campus when the cops told them to, so naturally, and hilariously, the cops doused their faces with pepper spray....

The sympathetic media whined all weekend that the protesters were peaceful and unarmed, effectively accusing the cops of brutality, but "peaceful and unarmed" aren't the qualifications for law breaking. If you're intentionally blocking a public-use sidewalk and refuse to move when the cops tell you to move, you're breaking the law and you deserve to get pepper sprayed in the face. You deserve to get whacked upside the head with a telescopic baton in my opinion, so the cops showed amazing restraint here.


  1. Which law were they violating? I've searched in vain to find any mention of a statute or ordinance that would apply.

  2. They were blocking a public-use walkway. The protesters have a right to pursue happiness through the expression of free speech, even if that means blocking the sidewalk, right up until it prevents other pedestrians from pursuing happiness by using that sidewalk. (In other words, your right to extend your fist stops precisely where my nose begins.) When the cops tell you to move along, you need to move along or get pepper sprayed.

    The law they broke was not obeying the cops when they told them to move along.

  3. Isaac, we live in a free society governed by rules that benefit all. One of those rules is to not infringe on the pursuit of happiness of others. The cops are there to encourage, with pepper spray if necessary, those who would trample on those rights to stop doing that.

    There is a permit process for protests. The TEA parties always got permits, these vermin never do.

    Civil disobedience only works so far and then you're infringing on somebody elses rights.

  4. They had to be moved one way or another. I just wonder if the outrage would have been greater or smaller had the police just picked up the protesters and physically moved them?

  5. You need a HAZMAT team if you plan on touching dirty, drug-addicted hippies these days. Pepper spraying them from a distance is the most prudent method of crowd control.
