Friday, November 04, 2011

Sexual harassment is unacceptable....unless it's spanking

Herman Cain denies that he sexually harassed anybody 20 years ago, yet there are three women who unconvincingly claim otherwise. The main complainant is bound by a confidentiality agreement into which she entered in exchange for a wad of cash, yet though she has repeatedly told her lawyer to shut up, obviously a self-promoter, he keeps holding press conferences. Lawyers....I swear!

If the court vacates the non-disclosure agreement so that she can blab about the "incident", which is the ruling she's asking for, doesn't she have to pay back all the money she extorted from the National Restaurant Association in exchange for her silence?

I realize that presidential campaigns get ugly, but if I find out that Perry's campaign had anything to do with this(and he has the most to gain from a damaged Herman Cain), I won't vote for him. This will expose Perry to be just another dirtbag politician that'll do anything to win. 

1 comment:

  1. Eleven years ago, a Canadian school principal was busted for possessing child pornography. Specifically, he collected pictures of children being spanked. Turns out he’d also spanked a number of students during his career.

    In 2002, the FBI broke up a nationwide child-spanking pornography ring. A few of its members even made films using their own kids, who could be heard tearfully pleading their innocence.

    Now, it’s not really news that spanking can take on sexual overtones, as anyone who’s seen “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” can tell you. If you doubt it, just type “spanking” into a search engine and see what kind of results you get. And since there are people out there who are sexually drawn to children, it figures that some would enjoy spanking them.

    Tragically for many victims, though, society has mostly failed to recognize the potential for sexual abuse in the practice of spanking children or even young adults. Perpetrators often deflect suspicion simply by playing the discipline card.

    It’s high time we woke up to this problem. At a minimum, parents ought to warn their children that some adults may have bad reasons for wanting to spank them.

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