Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Obama is playing a dangerous game with Iran and Israel

Despite Iran's regular threats to destroy the Zionist state, I doubt it has any intention of attacking Israel. They don't have to. All Iran has to do is assume the posture of attack with its nuclear weapons capability and they know that'll be enough to bait Israel into a pre-emptive strike. Then they can whine about Israel being a aggressive, blood-thirsty state knowing that Israel's few remaining allies will turn on her.

And since Obamas's storied contempt of Israel and her PM Netanyahu is very public, Iran knows it has nothing to fear from the US by nuclear saber rattling. Building up a nuclear weapons program while proclaiming (unbelievably) that it's for peaceful energy purposes, Iran believes it has plausible deniability about its intentions to provoke Israel into a first strike.

Achmadinnerjacket knows that Obama is a weak, empty-suited amateur who when the sh*t hits the fan, will side with the UN majority against Israel. Killing bin Laden and Qaddafi was easy. It takes spine to confront a nuclear armed Iran and Obama is in short supply of spine.


  1. There are so many lies in this piece that I ran out of fingers on which to count them. Not, mistakes...lies.

    Quit pretending that you love America, O.K., Ed? America is goose-stepping to her doom and you stand on the sidelines waving made-in-China flags and playing John Phillip Sousa marches.

    Just come right out and say it. You HATE America and the sooner she lies in ashes the better you will like it.

  2. Uuuuhh....what?

    Every thing I said was opinion Isaac. And how does any of it translate into hatred for the US?

  3. Despite Iran's regular threats to destroy the Zionist state…
    Not so fast, Ed. Iran has never threatened to destroy Israel. Just the opposite is true. Israel has been lobbying hard for years for the U.S. to destroy Iran. So far, unsuccessfully, thank heavens.

    …I doubt it has any intention of attacking Israel.
    Of course Iran does not intend to attack Israel. Since the Islamic revolution, Iran has not attacked anyone for any reason.

    All Iran has to do is assume the posture of attack…
    What posture of attack, for God's sake? Are you delusional?

    …with its nuclear weapons capability…
    What nuclear weapons capability does Iran have, for God's sake? You are delusional, aren't you?

    Then they can whine about Israel being a aggressive, blood-thirsty state…
    Israel IS an aggressive, bloodthirsty state. Can you say Palestine? Can you say Lebanon? Can you say Syria? Can you say Iraq? Can you say Afghanistan? Can you say Egypt? Can you say Libya?

    …knowing that Israel's few remaining allies will turn on her.
    And just why is world opinion turning against Israel? Could it have something to do with the fact that Israel is an aggressive, bloodthirsty state?

    And since Obamas's storied contempt of Israel and her PM Netanyahu is very public…
    Contempt for Israel and contempt for Netanyahu are two very different things.
    News Item: "Netanyahu insists that Obama is just as much a friend of Israel as George W. Bush"

    …Iran knows it has nothing to fear from the US by nuclear saber rattling.
    What nuclear saber rattling? Have you no shame? Never mind answering that. Of course you don't have any shame. No may could lie like you do if he did.

    Achmadinnerjacket knows…
    That is Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to you, sir. Show some respect for your betters.

    Killing bin Laden and Qaddafi was easy.
    Finally, you tell the truth about something. Killing people extra judicially appears to come easy to our current president.

  4. Here are some more "can you say" items:

    Can you say "U.S.S. Liberty"?
    Can you say "World Trade Center"?
    Can you say "Freedom Waves"?
    Can you say "Mavi Marva"?
