Friday, November 18, 2011

Like Eric Holder, Stephen Chu is either corrupt or incompetent and must resign, post haste

This is Stephen Chu, the nobel prize winning physicist and the Obama regime's secretary of energy. He testified before congress yesterday regarding the Solyndra debacle in which the Obama administration pissed away $578,000,000,000 (that's billion) dollars of taxpayer money on idiotic solar panels. He pretended that he knew nothing about Solyndra's financial trouble. His not knowing about Solyndra's trouble was like Eric Holder's not knowing about Fast and Furious going on right under his nose. It's simply not believable and both men are utterly incompetent to perform the jobs they hold.

Obama and the media tout Chu as regularly as the "Nobel prize winning physicist" as a testimony to his unassailability. Well, Obama received the Nobel Peace prize and promptly escalated the war in Afghanistan and attacked Libya, so Nobel prizes aren't exactly worth a lot these days.

The fact that Solyndra happened on his watch alone should be enough to force his immediate resignation, but it won't because the media will protect the Obama regime at all costs.....after all, it's election season.

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