Monday, October 10, 2011

Wall Street protestors even dumber than we thought

There is an utter failure on the part of the Wall Street protesters to understand the contribution that corporations make to their comfortable life-styles. They are protesting the very things that make their loafing and degeneracy possible.

Click image for larger view


  1. The wannabes in Atlanta turned away "Saint" John Lewis from speaking. He looked baffled, but says no hard feelings. I leave it to your imagination how the reaction would have gone if a Tea Party demonstration had turned him away.

  2. Yeah no doubt. What was the Atlanta demonstration like? We had about 100 beatniks loitering aimlessly around one of the downtown parks on Saturday, but they didn't accomplish anything except maybe to find some new marijuana sources.

  3. They showed a picture on the noon local news today of a half dozen tents. This rainy day will do them in. Notice the one in NYC has persisted during pleasant autumn weather. Winter's coming, kids.

    Of course the news media have fallen in love all over again.

  4. The media seem oblivious to the obvious hypocrisy in how they covered the tea-party gatherings and how they cover these degenerate rabble.

  5. The Atlanta PD have told the rump group here to clear out of the downtown park. If they enforce this it will be quick and without warning.

  6. the Atlanta mayor wimped out. Also, the rabble are demanding Woodruff Park be renamed after executed cop killer Troy Davis. Mainstream folks, right?

  7. So, I do not actually believe it is likely to work.
