Monday, October 03, 2011

Unwashed hippies infest Wall Street for another week

The Wall Street protests begin their third week today as lazy, idle, trust-fund hippies attempt to recapture the magic of their parents' protests in the sixties by staging sit-ins, getting high, and refusing to bathe.

While they're good at demonstrating, they're not so good at describing what they're demonstrating for. Most can't answer the simple question: "if not capitalism, then what"?  They just seem to resent the making of money by anybody but them. Fortunately for them, their parents believe in making money and supporting their life of urban leisure or they couldn't afford to hang around New York City irritating people who have jobs.

I'll be the first to admit that Wall Street is rife with corruption and cozy cronyism with politicians, but flower-power won't do anything useful to stop it. Voting for politicians who'll end the corruption by demanding that the rule of law apply to fat-cat, Wall Street bankers just might.


  1. In the anarchic world these folks seem to envision, their survival would be measured in days.

  2. True that, Bill. And the media seem to be eating this stuff up as if they want a mid-east style uprising to take place here and rid us of capitalism once and for all.

    These people aren't heroic revolutionaries. They're lazy, thankless, degenerates who have capitalism to thank for their lifestyles of idle leisure.

  3. They are Greek wannabees who got envious watching the riots there.

  4. They may get their chance to be "Greek" real soon.

  5. Quite effective info, lots of thanks for the article.
