Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Obama threatens country with self-reliance if he isn't elected

Obama raised the horrible spectre of a nation of self-reliant, productive citizens if we fail to re-elect him....

From ABC News via Michelle Malkin -- “The one thing that we absolutely know for sure is that if we don’t work even harder than we did in 2008, then we’re going to have a government that tells the American people, ‘you are on your own,’” Obama told a crowd of 200 donors over lunch at the W Hotel.

“If you get sick, you’re on your own. If you can’t afford college, you’re on your own. If you don’t like that some corporation is polluting your air or the air that your child breathes, then you’re on your own,”

I realize that sitting on your ass collecting checks of other peoples' money is hard work, but perhaps after 4 years of government dependency and the geometric expansion of the nanny-State, a little rugged individualism, self-reliance, and boot-strap self-determination is what this country needs.


  1. Ed,
    Classic words from the O. However, I'm afraid many will succumb to this fear tactic. But, as you know, I am usually pessimistic about the populace of this country.

    Bill, on the other hand, will lift me up with his optimism.

  2. Yeah, I'm definitely in the camp of cynics too. And I doubt even Bill's doe-eyed optimism can interpret a nation headed toward collapse as corrected, even if a republican is elected. Once people get used to being on the dole, it's like a drug, there's no going back.

  3. "doe-eyed optimism" I can't wait for Bill's reply to this!

  4. Heh heh.....yeah, he might not appreciate that.

  5. Hate to tell y'all, but some of the stuff I've read here recently discourages my optimism severely. You have some seriously disturbed posters.

    For the record, Obama can be landslided (landslid?). For America's future, that better happen.

  6. I hate to be a downer, but I have to call 'em like I see 'em. And I think the lurch toward a socialist-styled nanny-State is like a only goes in one direction and it's almost impossible to reverse.

  7. It certainly appears our country is headed for a severe crisis. I can only see long term suffering equal to the time we waste turning things around. Generations of Americans don't know anything but a handout. They don't know how or want to work. It will take several years of tough, extremely conditions to change attitudes.

  8. And watch out for those ratcheting dog-bone wrenches. If you are loosening the sway arms on a MER or TER you may just find the wrench stuck.

  9. Getting the dogbone stuck during your first BDU-33 load is practically a right of passage. Sort of like getting locked in the conex box in August in Atlanta while fetching explosive carts....good times.

  10. David and Bill, is it Conex or Konex, or something else?

  11. Pretty sure it's conex, Ed. When I had to qualify as a 2 man on F-16's in 2006, after 5 years of not touching a jet and 15 years before that as a 1 man, the smart-ass LSC guy (is there any other kind?) tried to call me out for using a dogbone. Even after I showed him the open end wrench I was using, he still acted like an a-hole. Of course I got my first dogbone stuck on a MER while he was in grade school.

    Thanks for dredging up good old memories.

    Oh, and you forgot to mention blowing the e-bolt on a tail hook. But, most people don't do that, do they? ;-)

  12. I did do that and the look on Tom Bloomberg's face(he was standing down there) was priceless. It was almost worth the trouble I got in and the teasing I received to see his face. I hadn't realized what I did until I saw his saucer eyes...heh heh.
