Friday, October 07, 2011

The Navy thinks we're at war

This is Eric Kettani, a Navy midshipmen who received a waiver from the Navy to pursue a career in the NFL with the Patriots. A few days ago, the Navy recalled Kettani to serve out his commitment. Here's part of the letter he received from the Navy.....[emphasis mine]

As our nation is at war, it is important to ensure we maintain our commitment to the nation’s defense,” the letter from the Navy said. “As such, a release from active duty would be inconsistent with that effort. I appreciate your Patriotism and service to our nation and encourage you to pursue your goal to play professional football after completion of your service in the Navy.”

We're at war? When did congress declare war according to Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution? And all this time I thought we were mired in several overseas contingency operations.....who knew?


  1. Were we "at war" from 1950-54? 1964-1972? 1990-1991? 9/11/01?

    I agree that we should more often "declare war" as specified in the Constitution. But, there are other ways that don't offend the Constitution, in the minds of better scholars than I.

  2. It's the incrementalism of pushing the costitutional boundaries a little here and there until it's unrecognizable, that worries me.

  3. I wish Bush had said on 9/12/01, declare war on those who did this. Everybody but Dinnis Kucinich and Ron Paul would have voted yes.

    It's generally agreed that what Congress did has the same legal affect. The Supremes are sure not going to say nay.

    Kosovo and Libya lacked any legal fig leaf. How about that - two Dems?

  4. Declare war on those who did this [9/11]?

    On whom would you have had Bush declare war?

  5. It won't really have effect, I consider like this.
