Monday, October 24, 2011

Libya, out of the frying pan.....

Will it have been worth getting rid of Moammar Qaddafi if what replaces him is a hard line Islamic state ruled by Sharia law?
From Telegraph -- Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the chairman of the National Transitional Council and de fact president, had already declared that Libyan laws in future would have Sharia, the Islamic code, as its "basic source".

The US got quickly behind the "freedom fighters" in Libya and their struggle to rid themselves of Qaddafi's oppressive regime, but is possibly another Iran better for the security of the region or the relative stability of a dictatorship?

Here's a fairly common example of what happens under Sharia. This woman was raped and then her face doused with acid because of some perceived insult to Islam....

I don't care what Qaddafi did, the official nationalization of this is worse. Another reason to stay out of other nations' business.


  1. Can you think of any moral or ethical reasons America should not kill and maim innocent civilians or destroy infrastructure leaving men, women and children without water, sewer, roads, schools, libraries, hospitals, etc., Ed?

  2. The only compelling reason for destroying a country, as you described, is if we or our allies are in immediate danger as was the case with Germany and Japan in WWII.

    I don't believe that was the case with Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, etc. and certainly not the case with Libya. That's why I opposed those adventures. Having said that, once we've gone in, I cheer for us to kill everything that moves and raze any structure above ground level, though still, we shouldn't have gone in, in the first place.

    I mean, once you're committed, you're committed to destroy the enemy.

    If Iran decides to attack Israel, then I might be able to justify leveling Iran if Israel hasn't already done it.

  3. If we should not have attacked a country (and in most cases we should not have), there is a better, more honorable, more noble option than that which you suggest, Ed.

    We should arrest, try, convict and then publicly hang the bought-and-paid-for politicians and public officials responsible for our nation's war crimes and belligerent imperialism.

    We need to get over our delusion sense of exceptionalism. Exceptional is as exceptional does.

  4. this lady ois from Iraq and this is the chemical weapons that USA used in the war.
