Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Liberal Diane Sawyer over-hypes the OWS protests

Apparently a few thousand new countries were added to the map while we slept last night....who knew?

She said that she simply misspoke, but who misspeaks that deliberately when speaking that slowly while trying to make such a specific point? Nobody. Clearly she was exaggerating with her voice, tone, body language, and inflection to make the OWS protests seem like an organic phenomenon that is sweeping the populated world and therefor should be taken seriously, rather than mocked and ridiculed the way it deserves to be and the way I do here every day.

When a reporterette is trying to convince her audience by taking sides of an issue, it's tricky not to be too convincing. That's what happened to Sawyer. She's abandoned what shred of dignity she had left and has chosen to side with the dirty, loafing, drug-addled hippies infesting Wall Street. Shame on her.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly the same degreee of respect they gave the Tea Party - no?
