Monday, October 31, 2011

Herman Cain gets the Clarance Thomas treatment

Two women from 20 years ago have "surfaced" to accuse Herman Cain of inappropriate sexually suggestive behavior that cause them to feel uncomfortable". That figures...liberals dredged up Anita Hill to falsely claim that Clarance Thomas had behaved in sexually inappropriate ways, in order to prevent him from getting on the Supreme Court. But is it liberals who're trying to deep-six Herman Cain.....or establishment republicans?

Nothing is detested more by liberals than a successful, black conservative and nothing is scarier to establishment, beltway republicans than a non-establishment candidate getting some traction in a big election. The big-money GOP donors want somebody they understand and can control such as Romney or Perry to get the nomination. Cain is an unknown to them. So the possibilities here number 3. They are...

1. Liberals are terrified of a conservative black destroying their narrative of blacks being too incompetent and inept to succeed without democrats' help, therefor Cain must be destroyed.

2. Establishment republicans are tired of Cain's 15 minutes and feel they have to take him down in order for their guy, Romney to return to his rightful place of defacto nominee.

And 3. Two women actually felt harassed by Cain twenty years ago, saw an opportunity to cash in, and extorted five-figure severances to go away and be quiet.

No matter which of the three you believe, none of it disqualifies Cain to me from serving as President.


  1. I've heard more about this since it came out than I have the rapes and sexual assaults at the "Occupy" protests. Go figure...

  2. I held my nose last week and registered "Republican" so I could vote in our closed primary against Cain. And Romney. And Perry. And Santorum. And Huntsman. And Bachmann. Did I leave anybody out?

  3. Isaac, does this mean you are voting FOR Gingrich or Paul? could do worse.
