Friday, October 28, 2011

Debate overload.....enough already

Rick Perry says that his campaign might de-emphasize the absurd number of GOP debates still on the schedule. Outraged Washington insiders wonder how a candidate can skip a debate and let the others grab the spotlight and dazzle the viewers. I ask: what viewers?

We've already had what, 5 debates? And there are many more scheduled, almost one every other week. When did this ridiculous exercise in posturing become the certain pathway to the nomination? I only watched the first two and couldn't be less interested in the rest. With Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and every other media outlet available, why is it necessary to stage so many phoney confrontations that do nothing to actually inform the voters. It only serves to give the establishment Washington media the opportunity to trip up the republicans with "gotcha" questions, then make fun of them for tripping up.

I don't blame Perry for eschewing the debates. They're over-rated in terms of importance regarding fitness to be President.

1 comment:

  1. I have not watched one. This is all noise right now.
