Monday, September 19, 2011

The question of Palestinian statehood

So the Palestinians want their own nation state? The entirety of the EU and the Obama administration are frantically trying to prevent a UN vote on the matter, despite the fact that Obama was for a Palestinian state as recently as a year ago. Supposedly their objection to Palestinian statehood is that it will derail the fragile, ongoing peace process with Israel.

What peace process? Since the creation of Israel in 1948, there has never been so much as a hint of peace in the middle east. It's not the number one wish for air-headed pageant contestants for nothing. There will never be peace in the middle east so long as a non-Muslim nation exists as a neighbor to Muslim/Arab nations.

I suspect, as you probably do as well, that Obama's objection to statehood has far less to do with his convictions about the peace process as it does with his desire to retain as many Jewish voters as possible for 2012. Obama is hemorrhaging democrat voters like the Deep Water Horizon hemorrhaged crude oil in the Gulf and jumping into the middle of the most contentious issue of our time by choosing sides will not help him get re-elected. He'd much rather punt the issue and not take a side at all. To Obama, this is considered leadership.

Would it really be the end of the world if the Palestinians had their own land to call a nation? It would certainly take away their excuse for being an unproductive, mindless rabble of terrorists. And if they continue to attack Israeli civilians, Israel would be within its rights under UN rules to defend itself without criticism. Plus, it yanks the rug out from under every nations reason to condemn Israel at every turn. It's always about the poor, put-upon Palestinians and how they're mistreated by Israel. Without that, what're they going to condemn Israel for?

At this point, not allowing a vote or a veto by the US will probably lead to mass protests and violence anyway, but the Palestinians don't need much of an excuse to's what they do.


  1. They could have had a "state" as long ago as the Clinton administration, as has been well documented. Instead, Arafat screwed his own people and Clinton and embarked on the "intifada."

    Nothing good can come of this except to perhaps reveal the bankruptcy of Obama's mideast policy.

  2. I wasn't even aware of a policy other than to have Hillary get the two sides to pretend to discuss their problems and possible mutually beneficial solutions....of which there are none.

    I'm for a Palestinian state......I'm tired of them whining and other countries using that issue to club the US over the head with. Give them a state and let the chips fall where they may. Israel will be fine.

    Then again, it might just trigger the apocalypse and the second coming, so there's that.

  3. Well, early only Obama called on Israel to freeze housing construction before negotiations - something that even the Palestinians had not demanded. Of course, they then had to so demand, which killed any chance of negotiations. Obama later backed down, but the damage had been done.

  4. Did Netanyahu freeze housing construction in disputed territory on Obama's request, or any one elses request? I'd be shocked if he did. Israel doesn't give a crap what our President or anybody else for that matter, thinks, who ever he is, as long as we keep sending money and military technology that is superior to her neighbors.

  5. No, of course he didn't. By the way, the Israelis beat off attacks by the Arabs long before they got any help from the U.S., using cast off weaponry and whatever they could buy or beg. They even used stuff from the Luftwaffe in the first war - Me-109's.

  6. Is there another air force in the world against whom our guys would less like to dog fight? And they're getting the latest stuff now, right? Not the generations old crap we sell to Taiwan or Egypt?

  7. They modify the jets and other systems we sell them. That was a major sticking point with the F-35, since we wanted full control over the jet.

    And yes, they, and maybe the RAF, would be our nightmare opponents.
