Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Palestinians should be careful what they wish for

Next Friday the UN may vote on Palestinian statehood despite efforts by the US to prevent it with threats of cutting off altogether, aid money to the Palestinians. Turkey and other Arab/Muslim nations are encouraging the vote, and Israel is certainly against it, but is it a good idea for the Palestinians?
As it stands, the Palestinians enjoy the praise of dopey ex US Presidents like Jimmy Carter, Hollywood nitwits, and every dictator and violent jihadist on Earth. The poor, put-upon Palestinians are cast as the peace-loving victims of Israeli aggression and war crimes, never mind that the Palestinians always start the fighting with terrorism, Israel just finishes it.

If made a voting member of the UN by being awarded statehood, the US has already said it would escalate dramatically tensions in the region and because statehood is outside the official peace process, we would cut off all aid to the Palestinian Authority as well as funding for any UN functions associated with Palestinian statehood. That's bad for the mindless rabble of Palestinians who depend heavily on aid since their only productive activities is hating Israel and shooting rockets randomly at Israeli civilian targets.

Furthermore, once they are a state they lose the relative protection of claimed victim hood and Israel could destroy them without as much condemnation from the Jew-hating UN. That's also bad for them.

Finally, other Arab nations in the region would expect them to behave as a nation, not as they have for 60 years as a loose collection of nomadic terrorists, without a discernible economy, laws, or national identity other than the collective hatred of Israel. Even American democrats like Hillary Clinton recognize that statehood would be bad for Palestinians as they are wholly incapable of operating as anything resembling a functioning state. They're better suited to be refugee-camp denizens. Harsh, but true.


  1. Michael J. Weil, the executive director of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, has an unusual take on the subject of Palestinian statehood.

    In a 9/12/11 op-ed piece for the New York-based JTA ("The global news service of the Jewish People"), he begins by saying that Israel would do better by endorsing the Palestinian effort to gain recognition, and it should be the first nation to vote in favor of Palestinian statehood.

    According to him, that approach would be a lot better than the one now being pursued by Israel.

    Surprisingly, he says that is not only the morally correct and Jewish thing to do, it is also the Zionist thing to do.


    (The correspondent formerly known as i.a.n.)

  2. Why would this be advantageous to the Israelis, I mean other than the reasons I mentioned in the post?
