Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Some people just need killing

Those a-holes in the Westboro Baptist Church are going to Norway to protest the funerals of the 76 adults and children who were murdered there. I don't know if Norway has similar laws to the US that prevent grieving families from killing people like this, let's hope not. It wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if a gunman killed every one of them 18 years old or over.


  1. What are they protesting? Don't they have jobs? Limited sick leave/vacation time? Where do these people come from?

    Oh, that's right we grow them right here in the good ole USA. Liberalism: Made in the USA.

  2. I read somewhere that all the adults in this cult are lawyers who know precisely the limits of what they can get away with and what they can't. I wonder if they've researched the laws in Norway regarding private ownership and use of guns?

  3. I'm actually kind of surprised that nothing has happened to these oxygen thieves. There are lots of vets and others around who can hit things from a long way off - well beyond any police cordon. Maybe the Phelpstards chose their venues with an eye toward fields of fire - but I doubt it.

  4. Good thinking anon. Some ex-pat snipers would make short work of these morons.

  5. Would anyone care to bet on whether or not incest and in-breeding figure into the Phelps' family religion?

  6. I just wonder where they get their funding to travel to all the different states and countries to protest?
