Thursday, August 04, 2011

Gov. Perry stepped in it

This is a little disturbing about Rick Perry, more for what it says about his willingness to pander to social conservatives than about the issues themselves.

Historically Rick Perry has been an avowed federalist, that is he believes in the 10th amendment to the Constitution which is the states-rights portion of the founding document. Then yesterday, in a blatant pander to the SoCons, he said that he supports federal laws prohibiting gay marriage and abortion.

Now Gov. Perry must clear up which is the most important position because he can't say he believes in the 10th amendment and simultaneously favor federal legislation on issues that constitutionally belong with the states individually. My problem isn't about his positions on gay marriage and abortion. I don't really care because it's not the business of the President to worry about it either way. My problem is his willingness to say anything when it comes to corralling the religious right into voting for him.

Forget the SoCon hardliners, stand on the Constitution and you'll likely get all us Libertarians.


  1. With the economy crumbling down around what's left of the country, how much do you really care about gay marriage and abortion rights? IMHO, any voter who prioritizes these silly social issues over the economy is a moron who conservatism can do without. Perry ought to know better than to let this become a flash point to rally libs.

  2. I care about a lot of things.

  3. I didn't mean "you" personally, Bill. Sorry for the confusion. I meant "you" globally. I know you're more rational and logical than that.

  4. Looks like this guy is doing an infomercial for a proctology practice.

  5. What does the Southern Conference (SoCon) have to do with this issue anyway? Are these problems especially present at places like Ga. Southern and Furman?

  6. Well, that joke fell flat.
