Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I try not to delight in the untimely deaths of other human beings, but I can honestly say that I chuckled at this story...

From WYFF4.com -- COWPENS, S.C. -- Thousands of people in Cherokee County were left without power overnight Monday after a man was killed trying to steal copper from a Duke Energy substation, according to firefighters at the scene.

I don't know about you, but Monday night is must-see TV at our house. If a dude inconveniences everybody by causing massive outages because he failed at being a copper thief, and gets killed in the process.....GOOD!


  1. Copper thieves are a scourge on our society and economy. They target small churches in particular because they know they will be unwatched during the week. The destroy multi-thousand dollar AC systems to get some copper they sell for $40 or so at a scrap yard.

    Like you, I will not shed many tears over one who gets what's coming.

  2. Yeah, my favorite Mexican eatery had to shut down for a few days because copper thieves destroyed the AC system one night. Now they have a new one but it's surrounded by razor wire to the point that it's difficult to service. And I'm sure diners like me are paying for the new system with slightly higher menu prices.

    Yeah, no mercy or compassion.

  3. Ultimate an SWIFT justice! I love it. Darwin would be proud.

  4. I want to see the scrap yards held to better account. I'm sure many try to do the right thing, but some must turn a blind eye for this to work for the vandals.

  5. That's what I think. At one point I heard where guys were stealing man-hole covers for the scrap metal value and causing horrible car crashes as tires went into the holes left behind. How does a scrap metal guy not know he's in receipt of a stolen man-hole cover? Pawn shops are held to those standards, why not scrap metal guys?

  6. Going back for my entire fire department career, bums burning the insulation off electrical cable was a common cause of calls. Nasty smoke that people call to complain about. The scrap yards would pay more for uninsulated copper wire.

  7. The Birmingham City Christmas tree went up in flames two days before Christmas last year because some local bums had stripped all the copper wire and used some alcohol to dissolve the coating, forgetting to unplug the wires first....heh heh.
