Monday, July 25, 2011

Is Kate Middleton's body mass too low to conceive a royal heir?

Apparently Kate Middleton collapsed from exhaustion after returning from her whirlwind trip of North America with new husband Prince William. The thought is she's been starving herself to maintain her figure since everybody's looking at her and she collapsed from lack of food and body mass.

Shockingly, it's not her health that the Brits are worried about, it's her ability to conceive. Said one assistant....

“Kate’s got to relax and start eating properly because her next royal duty is to produce a son and heir.”

Could somebody please inform the morons in our mother country that it's the father that determines the gender of the offspring, not the mother. Because you know that Kate will be blamed if they have a bunch of girls and no male heir is conceived. Are they really that stupid?


  1. Well, it takes two to tango. Preferably one from each sex.

  2. Yes, but Kate can only contribute one kind of chromosome, an X chromosome. William can contribute either an X or a Y. It's all up to him whether it's a boy or girl. Kate has nothing to do with the difference.

  3. It's up to her health whether she and the baby live.

  4. I don't think her life is at risk here, just whether she ovulates. If her body thinks it's starving, it'll cease all but necessary life functions including ovulation. Many female athletes and dieters whose body fat % gets below a certain level, will stop ovulating because the body knows there isn't enough mass to support a pregnancy. I'm looking at her and she's not THAT skinny.

  5. She will ovulate, has been for several years. I'm sure this has all been confirmed formally and informally. Children will come and the U.K. will be blessed.

    The U.S. tabloids won't dare so bad either.

  6. Do they really bring in a "person" to determine virginity and then fertility of potential future queens? There's no way Kate Middleton was a virgin, nor do I think she'd stand for that kind of violation as a prerequisite for marriage to William. I'd be disappointed if she did.

  7. You say virgin, I say wirgin. It's all planned out on some level. Not bad looking though.

  8. Kate please can you eat? I don't want you to die... :(

    Plus yes it would be Williams falt if it's all girls or boys Kate produces a x chromosome and William can produce a X or Y chromosome. I'm Sucha geek ;) :p
