Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another UN boondoggle masked as humanitarian aid

Here we go again.....

From Aljazeera -- The UN World Food Programme is set to start airlifting food to the drought-stricken Horn of Africa where more than 12 million people are at risk of starvation.

This food isn't going to any starving children. A vast majority of it will go to the insane tribesmen who slaughter albinos for their magical bones, and the thugs who work for the dictators who run that part of the world with unspeakable brutality. No starving will be averted. We're just feeding the criminals, rapists, and murderers....and I'm not just talking about the ones who wear blue helmets and work for the UN.

Sam Kennison had it just about right....why don't these nomads move to where the food is rather than living in the God-forsaken desert? We have deserts in America too, but we don't live in them.


  1. Sam Kinnison - great man. RIP.

  2. Hellhole populated by idiots both indigenous and imported. No thank you.

  3. Foodstamps go global. Why are we paying for this?

  4. I know. Since we are the primary and majority funding source of all UN boondoggles and corruption, by definition we are funding this misadventure too.
