Wednesday, July 13, 2011

All your income are belong to us

All I can say is WOW! Just WOW!

From CommentaryMagazine -- (Obama) And I do not want, and I will not accept, a deal in which I am asked to do nothing, in fact, I'm able to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional income that I don't need, while a parent out there who is struggling to figure out how to send their kid to college suddenly finds that they've got a couple thousand dollars less in grants or student loans

Either Obama's level of economic illiteracy is nothing short of jaw-dropping, or he understands exactly how utterly devastating a policy like this would be, yet he admits his desire to have it as official policy. Either way, this shows how dangerous Obama is to the idea of capital investment and market economics. My God, it continues to astonish me that the guilty, white media installed this man as President!


  1. Wow! is right.

    For minute I thought you were going to offer a virtual cookie to someone who can tell you the inspiration of post title.

  2. I DON'T know which game it was but I do know it was some sort of video game with sub-optimal translation.

  3. I thought about it, but I think I've done that one before. There aren't a lot of us old-school, gaming nerds who know where that came from, however.

  4. It's a basic principle of his party that all of everything should be the government's to distribute as they deem proper in their wisdom and benevolence.

  5. Starcraft reference? (all your bases are bong to us) -Regardless, if he is so torn up about being more "fortunate" than the poor why doesn't he donate all the money he makes (saving enough to be lower middle class) to a charity or directly to a family? It's because he really doesn't want it to be HIS wealth that's being redistributed. Only the wealth of those outside his circle...

  6. Checked my work and I'm wrong on the reference source

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