Wednesday, June 08, 2011

In other news, who knew Australia had camels?

As much as I like Australia, I forget they are eaten up with man-made global-warming idiocy....

From -- Killing a camel to earn a carbon credit may seem a curious way to tackle climate change, but one country is poised to allow investors to do precisely that.

The camel culling plan is one of the first to arise under the Australian government’s new “carbon farming initiative”, a scheme that lets farmers or investors claim carbon credits if they can show they have cut greenhouse gas emissions.

More than 1m camels are now believed to be roaming across the Australian outback – one of the biggest camel populations in the world – and each emits methane, a greenhouse gas significantly more potent than carbon dioxide.

If the camel herd needs to be culled, fine. But to pretend that you are doing something to curb global warming by awarding stupid carbon credits for killing a camel is utterly ridiculous.


  1. In Canada the greens make a point of fighting the seal hunt every year, they get videos of the kill and put them on YouTube so everyone can see the blood and gore. I can't wait to see the greens out there killing camels, and people posting the kills on YouTube with all of the blood and gore.

    Environmentalists are environ-ental.

  2. No two people think exactly alike, nor do political movements have consensus among their supporters. Think about this in application to your own friends and family, I am certain there are points on which you disagree with each person even if you agree on others.

    I highly doubt that most people who oppose seal culling in Canada would support camel culling in Australia, but certainly there are exceptions.

    Seal killing is probably most offensive to animal rights supporters, while camel culling is a popular idea with SOME environmentalists. Invasive species are indeed a legitimate concern, not only for environmental activists but also for ranchers and scientists. Australia has repeatedly suffered huge losses due to invasive species, as the continent was so separate from the world that the food chain wasn't hardened against invasion.

    The idea of reducing greenhouse gases by reducing their numbers sounds silly, until you think about it. Not only do invasive animals convert incredible amounts of biomass into gases that would not otherwise be produced, they can also cause erosion, defoliation, and extinction for other species. Most often this results in a cascading disintegration of an ecosystem, with real impacts on land and people.

    Creating a way to finance camel culling by carbon credits not only makes sense with global warming in mind, but also is suave business as it pays for the removal of an invasive species.

    If you want to deny global warming, why'd you take your head out of the sand to come read this article and write a comment? Did you know that 26 US states were in an emergency state of drought this year? That's an all-time record. Have you watched the ice caps getting smaller and smaller, almost disappearing completely this year? Are you aware that every coastal US city is experiencing rising sea levels and preparing for even worse? You can deny the obvious, as most will when it means they have to do work and make sacrifices, but this is why only a few must survive in order to carry the human race into the future. Ignorance can be dangerous, even fatal.

    So can generalizing. But obviously you are in love with your ignorance, and nothing I write will change your mind. Even when the proof is available you continue to rattle the broken glass around in your head,and likely you will continue to do so your whole life. I ask you only to think of others, and the harm your ignorance will do them, the children, the future generations. What if you're wrong?

  3. No two people think exactly alike, nor do political movements have consensus among their supporters. Think about this in application to your own friends and family, I am certain there are points on which you disagree with each person even if you agree on others.

    I highly doubt that most people who oppose seal culling in Canada would support camel culling in Australia, but certainly there are exceptions.

    Seal killing is probably most offensive to animal rights supporters, while camel culling is a popular idea with SOME environmentalists. Invasive species are indeed a legitimate concern, not only for environmental activists but also for ranchers and scientists. Australia has repeatedly suffered huge losses due to invasive species, as the continent was so separate from the world that the food chain wasn't hardened against invasion.

    The idea of reducing greenhouse gases by reducing their numbers sounds silly, until you think about it. Not only do invasive animals convert incredible amounts of biomass into gases that would not otherwise be produced, they can also cause erosion, defoliation, and extinction for other species. Most often this results in a cascading disintegration of an ecosystem, with real impacts on land and people.

    Creating a way to finance camel culling by carbon credits not only makes sense with global warming in mind, but also is suave business as it pays for the removal of an invasive species.

    If you want to deny global warming, why'd you take your head out of the sand to come read this article and write a comment? Did you know that 26 US states were in an emergency state of drought this year? That's an all-time record. Have you watched the ice caps getting smaller and smaller, almost disappearing completely this year? Are you aware that every coastal US city is experiencing rising sea levels and preparing for even worse? You can deny the obvious, as most will when it means they have to do work and make sacrifices, but this is why only a few must survive in order to carry the human race into the future. Ignorance can be dangerous, even fatal.

    So can generalizing. But obviously you are in love with your ignorance, and nothing I write will change your mind. Even when the proof is available you continue to rattle the broken glass around in your head,and likely you will continue to do so your whole life. I ask you only to think of others, and the harm your ignorance will do them, the children, the future generations. What if you're wrong?
